I have bought a cubieboard2 for my hobby projects. I have posted some guides during my installation and configuration of the board.
Some of that might be used also by you:
- Step by step installation guide of lubuntu desktop image
- more guides to have your Lubuntu on Cubieboard more usefull:
- installing VNC
- seeting timezone and NTP
- solved SSH connection problem
- Turn off/on blue/green LED
- extendind NAND partition from 2GB to 4GB
- enabling print screen
- enable UART to connect with my arduino
- apache and php as web server on cubieboard
- mount SATA drive to cubieboard with lubuntu
- I2C on cubieboard
- minidlna – media server on cubieboard
- power usage of cubieboard w/ and w/o HDD
- creating disk in memory
- using cubieboard as a honeypot (to detect and track hackers)
I will add more topics once it will be available.
Some tweets: